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Ukraine joins the Global Digital Health Partnership

7 September 2018

On September 3-4, Dr. Ulana Suprun represented Ukraine at the third Global Digital Health Partnership (GDHP) summit in London (UK). This year, Ukraine has become one of the new countries attending the GDHP summit, bringing together digital health leaders from 23 countries and territories and the World Health Organisation (WHO) to collaborate and share experiences, supporting the improved delivery of digital health services around the world.

"We have joined the Global Digital Health Partnership! For Ukraine, this is an important step towards a high quality, efficient and safe healthcare, as this partnership opens up opportunities for the experience exchange with foreign colleagues and the successful implementation of innovative digital services in our country. The community’s key objective is to ensure the global development of eHealth, in all its forms and aspects – from knowledge-sharing to cyber security," commented Dr. Ulana Suprun, acting Minister of Health of Ukraine.

The GDHP participants at the London summit engaged in discussions on the best ways to support the design and adoption of digital health services, comparing the approaches and initiatives taken by different GDHP participant countries around the world.

The summit participants also attended the Health and Care Innovation Expo 2018 at Manchester Central. This year the event was dedicated to the 70th Anniversary of the UK National Health Service.

The accomplishments of the UK’s healthcare system are impressive. When the NHS was created, life expectancy was 10 years shorter than it is now. Today, the UK NHS continues to enjoy unwavering support among the public, which endures across the generations - around 90% of people support the founding principles of the NHS, indicating that these principles are just as relevant today as when the NHS was established. 

"The results of its work are really inspiring. The National Health Service of Ukraine was established five months ago, but it has already demonstrated some positive results as well. We hope that our determination and professional approach will help us attract as much international expertise as possible and catch up faster with the rest of the world in terms of healthcare. I am confident that the use of innovative technologies and the development of eHealth will play an important catalytic role in this process, especially given the Ukrainian IT potential," underlined Dr. Ulana Suprun.

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